Tutorials June 3, 2022 Sweety Saha

7 Reasons Every eCommerce Website Needs a blog, even Yours

Someone must tell you. Even if you have a strong social presence and your website’s sales funnel works well, your eCommerce store still needs a blog.

We don’t know why we would say that when you have so many things to do as an owner of an online business. Blogging–good content posted on a regular basis–can help your business grow in at least seven ways.

1. Blog posts can help improve the SEO of your store:

In the past few years, more businesses have moved to eCommerce. Many local brick-and-mortar stores, retail chains, as well as manufacturers who used to only sell to other businesses, have added eCommerce to reach customers at home and replace lost sales.

This means that there are many more eCommerce stores that you can compete with for visibility in search engine results. This means that you need to improve your SEO engine.

Regular posts can create new content which can help improve your search engine rank. Posts that contain the keywords that your customers search for can also be useful, regardless of whether they’re “Bluetooth workout headphones”, “organic hamster feed”, or another.

2. How-to posts are a great way to attract new customers and return customers to your store:

There are likely to be customers looking for information on how to use whatever product you sell. This applies to everything, from skin care products to sporting equipment to home improvement items. Give your customers the information they need, and make sure that you have tutorials and how-to posts that are so helpful people bookmark them to return for more.

Like, Lowe’s has a large library of how-to content. Each of these includes product links and instructions. This content is what someone could save and refer to as they complete each stage of their home-eco project.

It is possible to do the same for products you sell.

3. A blog is a great way to grow your email list:

You already know that an email list is essential for successful marketing. Your blog can help you increase your email list by providing content that is useful and interesting to your customers. This will allow you to get your special offers, promotions, and news faster.

Pop-up boxes don’t necessarily have to be used to encourage people to sign up. Orly, a beauty brand, uses a simpler, linked call for people to subscribe to their email list. It is located at the bottom of each blog post, right above its social links.

4. Your eCommerce blog can be a hub for loyal customers by publishing lifestyle posts:

A blog is an excellent way to build a community around your brand. These posts don’t feature REI’s outdoor-gear products.

clear understanding of your customers’ lives is essential to creating a blog that matches your brand and their lifestyle. You might start small with one category of your blog that is dedicated to lifestyle content. You can add more if it succeeds. A blog is an excellent way to build a community around your brand. These posts don’t feature REI’s outdoor-gear products.

5. The blog of your store is a great place for sharing buying guides to increase sales:

Your customers don’t have to be into one lifestyle or cause, but they all want the best products. This is why buying guides are so popular on eCommerce blogs. You can create “evergreen content” that attracts readers year-round. Lush’s blog guides to choosing hair care products are an example of this.

With its buyer’s guide to Hanukkah dog gifts, Chewy demonstrates that you can also create holiday- or event-specific buyer’s guides. Don’t sell squeaky gelt? You don’t have to sell squeaky gelt.

6. To drive more traffic to your site, you can use some of the posts from your eCommerce blog as social content:

Images that are original and great will help your blog posts get more visitors. These images can increase the visibility of your posts on social media so that you can attract new customers and increase traffic to your blog. This Etsy holiday product roundup post featuring Nicole Richie is a great example of a post that does it all. It’s part gift guide and part lifestyle post.

Even if you don’t have an influencer-sized marketing budget, your phone can be used for product photos and blog images that your readers will love to share.

7. Your eCommerce blog can help find your next employee:

You may need to hire more employees if your store is expanding. You can post job openings on your blog to inform your customers. But, it’s better to create a blog category that explains what your company looks like, who works there, and why they love it. PetSmart has an entire blog devoted to their employees, featuring employee profiles and information on the community-service projects that their stores sponsor and host.

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